Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Beginning of the End

Last week was the last major benchmark before the end of our service, our Close of Service or, because Peace Corps loves their acronyms, COS Conference.  The 39 Moz 17ers gathered all together for one last meeting in Maputo, a bittersweet time filled with the excitement of being together in the capital city and sadness in knowing this was the last time. 

As my mom pointed out, Peace Corps is probably the only organization that helps you prepare for what comes next, providing you with incredible resources whether you want to pursue the professional or academic route after your service.  The conference opened with a slideshow, reviving memories from our first days in Mozambique and followed with a time of reflection on how it felt those first days in country and those first days at site.  We discussed our accomplishments, what to include and highlight in our resumes, how to search for jobs or figure out what you might want to do after, and how to close out our service including all the paperwork and documents to be completed.  There was also a Q&A with a career panel, including two RPCVs (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, my title after I finish here) who are back in Mozambique working now, the director of the International School in Maputo and two of the teachers there.  Our directors even invited us all over to their houses for dinner both Wednesday and Thursday nights!  Some sessions made me excited, realizing my freedom in being able to really begin to research what it is I want to do next and others more anxious, realizing it’s about time to start figuring that out…

I think for almost everyone, it’s hard to believe that the end is really almost here!  When we first arrived in country almost exactly two years ago, COS seemed like this infinitely far away, intangible thing.  Now, everyone is counting down only two or three more months left in country, knowing the time is most likely going to fly by! 

I’m going to save my thoughts and feelings on leaving for a later post, mostly because I don’t quite want to admit to myself that it’s happening quite yet.  So, what’s next for me?  Here’s what I have planned so far… My ticket home is purchased, and has been for a while now.  I leave Murrupula around 11 weeks from now, spending a week in Maputo for final medical work and to turn in final paperwork, and then I leave country November 30th to meet my mom and family friend Jane for a trip to Botswana.  Then it’s about 30 hours of flights home and I arrive in LAX on December 10th at 1:30pm. 

After that?  I’m not embarrassed to admit that I’m not really sure.  Grad School? Maybe eventually? A job? Probably, because our Peace Corps earnings won’t really carry me for too long.  But, I’m not letting, or at least trying to not let, the unknown stress me out too much.  More importantly, right now I want to focus on these last 11 weeks here in Murrupula, finishing and strengthening projects like the library, English Theater, and REDES.  I want to focus on those moments with my neighbor children, playing hopscotch and Slap Jack, and just spending time with friends, students, and colleagues.  I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like saying good-byes and making that last drive away from my little villa, let alone what it’ll be like arriving back at home again, adjusting back to my life in the first world!  It still seems like a dream world away, and I am comforted knowing that I am lucky to have a home to go back to and so many people who support me.

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