Friday, June 1, 2012

In need of push-ups...

A couple weeks ago, I attempted to go get water for myself because my neighbor who usually gets it for me has kind of disappeared lately.  I could have asked someone else around the neighborhood to help, but I wanted to see how hard it actually was… 

I pay a neighbor whose house is behind mine (maybe about 150-200 yards away) for access to their well.  It’s basically just a hole in the ground with water and you lower a small bucket attached to a rope (which is then tied to a longer branch that extends beyond the diameter of the hole so the rope doesn’t fall in) down in to the hole, let it sit for a few seconds to fill up, then lift the rope and bucket back up and pour the water in to your own bucket.   That was the easy part.

Then I had to carry the bucket back.  I will admittedly say that I have been slacking on working out lately, and I have never been one to claim to have much upper body strength, but this was pretty hard!  I stopped about every ten feet to rest, but luckily did not see too many people to totally embarrass myself.

I did successfully make it back on my own, spilling only a little, mostly down the front of my skirt, so all in all a successful adventure, but not one I need to repeat again.  For just a few meticais per bucket or some candy to pay a few children, I will gladly pay someone else to get my water for me.  Either that, or it’s time to do some more pushups and learn how to carry things on my head!  Certainly makes you appreciate those faucets in your house!

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